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Organic Zucchini – 1 lb
有機意大利瓜 1 磅


Organic Zucchini – 1 lb
有機意大利瓜 1 磅

Price: $2.99


Organic Zucchini contains nutrients vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, carbohydrates, dietary fiber, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.


Organic Zucchini contains enzymes and vitamins which can promote metabolism, soft skin, and Cucurbitacin can  increased the immune system. In addition, the zucchini contains a component of alcohol acid, helps inhibit carbohydrate into fat, can reduce the formation of body fat, but it can also cause blood deficiency, so it should not be eaten too much, especially the elderly, pregnant women , weak or bedridden people should be really careful the amount of eating.


An uncut organic zucchini lasts up to a week, but once cut they deteriorate quickly. Keep them away from the really cold spots in the fridge as this will make them mushy. It will always be better to eat as soon as possible.


(The picture is for reference only. Items vary by seasons. See more details, click ” This Week “.)

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意大利瓜中含有黃瓜酶與維生素,可促進新陳代謝,柔嫩肌膚;葫蘆素可提高吞噬細胞的作用加強免疫力; 其中所含的一些有機酸有抗菌消炎、生津潤喉的作用。
另外, 意大利瓜中含有一種丙醇二酸的成分,有助於抑制醣類物質轉變為脂肪,可減少體脂肪形成,但同時也會造成氣血虧虛,所以不宜食用過量,尤其老年人、孕婦、體虛或久病的人要特別謹慎食用。


沒切過的有機義大利瓜可以在冰箱儲存一個星期, 但是切過的義大利瓜即便儲存在冰箱裡也會壞的很快。 盡量避免把有機義大利瓜放在冰箱最冷的位置,  以降低脫水的情況發生, 最好盡早食用完畢。


