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Organic Large Fruit Box


Organic Large Fruit Box

Price: $68

Organic Fruit, from local and surrounding areas certified organic farms. Our large fruit box contains freshest seasonal fruits directly from field to your table. Its comprehensive nutrition and pure flavor meet you and your family’s healthy needs and satisfy your taste buds.

— We commit freshness;

–We guarantee organic;

— Our advantage is convenience;

— Our goal is your health.

Based on dietitian’s advice, we select more than 10 kinds of seasonal fruits which are good for juicing and snacking for large fruit box. It is more diverse and contains more absolutely chemical and pesticide free fruits. Fresh fruit directly from farm to your place reduces intermediate links and shorten the transportation time, thus guarantee OrganicPai’s fruit with the highest level of freshness. This box is the best choice for people pursuing fresh life. It is very good for large size family and vegetarians. In addition; it is a most fashion and healthy gift for holidays.

Apple,Fuji 富士蘋果 2-4ct
Apple,Gala 嘎啦蘋果
Oranges 橙子 2-6ct
Grapefuirt 柚子
Pears, Asian 亞洲梨 2-4 ct
Pears,   Barlett 香梨
cherries 櫻桃 1-2 lb
Grapefuirt 葡萄
Peaches 白/黃桃 2-4 ct
Nectarines 白/黃油桃
Strawberries 草莓 1 lb
Blueberries 藍莓
watermelon 西瓜 1-2ct
Cantaloupe 哈密瓜
Banana 香蕉 5ct
Kiwis 奇異果 4-5 ct
Pineapple 菠蘿 1ct
Papaya 木瓜
Avocado 牛油果 2-4ct
Mango 芒果 2-4 ct
Lemon 檸檬
Estimate: 12-15 kinds fruit ,18-22lb
約: 12-15種水果,12-16磅


Good for household of 3-4
Include 12-15 kinds of fruits

(The picture is for reference only. Items vary by seasons. See details in “This Week“.)

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